Dive into the Mind of Maxwell

Creations from my mind, to works of art, into your unique wardrobe.


New Arrivals

Mind of Maxwell brings striking color and imagination to your everyday style.

Stay Groovy

Welcome to Mind of Maxwell! My name is Gazza Maxwell, I am an artist from California and have been an expat in Australia for the past 5 years. I've created Mind of Maxwell to share my unique documentation of how i've grown, the people i've met, the experiences i've had and integrate my journey into your everyday style. Most of my art works are created with my favourite medium, oil pastels. My traveling life style has shaped my artistic approach causing me to fall in love with this medium and for it to become my predominant way of creating. It is much easier to travel with a collection of oil pastels than to travel with paints, pallets, brushes and canvases. Using oil pastels comes with its challenges but I enjoy knowing that the tools I use to create have a direct reflection and connection to myself, the artist. I hope you enjoy taking a dive into the Mind of Maxwell to enrich your wardrobe. These unique pieces are sure to turn heads, evoke wonder and start conversations. I trust you will get as much joy wearing these art works as I did creating them. With love, Gazza

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